Unfuck the World, please…

Two of the people that I look up to the most have very different opinions on swearing. My dad believes that “fuck” is the most versatile word in the English language – adaptable to almost all situations. The other person I’m referencing here hasn’t sworn in 13 years I believe, and if I remember correctly, his reason for not was because he believes that swearing (and emoticons) are excuses for not taking the time to think of real words to express oneself.

I agree with both of these people. I think language is the most incredible thing, and I love words like most people love chocolate. I do think swearing can sometimes be a copout for not having paid attention in high school english class, however, I don’t think the standard English language can adapt – I don’t think it can have as many different connotations as profanity.


I posted this photograph earlier this morning on Facebook. Immediately, these two people commented, but to my surprise, they both loved the shirt. The guy that hasn’t sworn in 13 years said he would break that vow to wear it.

And that’s because it accounts for the magic of the world. It accounts for the unexplainable. For the stuff that we can’t imagine happening, that happens all the time. We’ve fucked up, and in immeasurable and incomprehensible ways. Climate change. Iraq. Chi’raq. Newtown. Aurora. 9/11. Rwanda. Columbine. Kony. Slavery. Boston. Katrina. Congo. Syria. Vietnam. Guns. Video games. Drugs. Gangs. The Kardashians. 

Can you think of any other word that describes these things? Humans, actively and readily participating in things that will lead to their imminent demise because “hybrids cost to much” and “priuses look weird?” Sitting in your penthouse in Chicago while less than 10 miles away, children are being shot for walking in the wrong neighborhood? 6 and 7 year olds being shot with a machine gun? Games on a tv or gameboy that your 12 year old is playing, acting like he’s that gunman? Meanwhile, we’re “Keeping up with the Kardashians?” As SNL says after their parody news reports, “Really?”

This shirt, it says so much. It ASKS for so much. So I ask you, in everything that you do, and even as a life goal, vow to try to unfuck the world as much as you can.